Thursday 16th July (Introducing the Food Exchange)

Hello! I hope you are all having a good week!

I have been so excited to write this post. I briefly mentioned in a post a few weeks ago that Greta from Made by Greta and I will be starting a project together… here is the first post!

The idea of the Food Exchange is once a month I am going to give Greta a English baking recipe and she will give me a German baking recipe. We are going to have a different theme every month, so hopefully we get a chance to bake a range of things!

First of all I want to introduce you to Greta! So here is a little bit about Greta:

“Hi! My name is Greta and I am a German living in Manchester. Love brought me to England, where I have been living for 9 months now. I am 26 years old and my blog is called I post mainly about baking, cooking and crafting…basically about doing things with my hands. I love to be creative and I can spend hours thinking about new projects.
Together with Lucy from Lucya Bakes I want to start a new exchange project where we try out German (for Lucy) and English (for me) recipes. I am really looking forward to that!”

Ok, on to July’s challenge… this month the theme was small cakes/ tarts!

Greta’s first challenge for me was Apfeltaschen. I hadn’t heard of these before Greta sent me this challenge. However I have now seen them in quite a few bakeries! I think the English equivilent to these would be Apple Turnovers!

These were delicious and quite simple to make! The thing I really liked about these is the pastry is very short and reminded me a tiny bit of shortbread! The apple mousse inside is delicious too! My apple mousse was quite brown as I put quite a lot of cinnamon in, so it didn’t look that appealing but still tasted great. The only error I think I made was not rolling the dough thinly enough, as towards the ends where the parcels were sealed the dough was quite thick. This recipe is definitely going in my recipe file so I can make them again!

If you could like to see my challenge to Greta head over to her blog here!

If you have any suggestions on what we could challenge each other to make please leave a comment below!

Lucya xx

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