

An English girl living in Germany.Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

In August 2014 I moved from England to Germany with my Husband. Before moving I didn’t speak a word of German so living here has been a very big learning curve! I started posting regularly on my blog when we moved to Germany and have been blogging ever since. I have also found that since living in Germany my love for baking and food in general, has just grown and grown!

In October 2016 I started writing parts of my blog in German. I know my German isn’t perfect so please be patient with me and if you can give me a few pointers I would be really grateful!

On the first Thursday of every month, Greta from the blog Made by Greta and I do a recipe swap. To find out more about The Food Exchange click here.

I post mainly my own recipes, about my travels and my experiences living in a new country.

Other things I love… reading, cookbooks, cycling, Paris, Scandinavian interiors and Sherlock Holmes.

If you have any questions please contact me – lucyabakes@gmail.com

You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook


25 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me. It sounds like you are on quite an adventure yourself and I look forward to reading your posts. The chocolate marshmallow bar looks amazing by the way – I will definitely be trying this! 🙂 Happy cooking x

    1. Thank you for following my blog too! You definitely should! They are a firm favourite in this house hold! Please let me know how you get on with them! X

  2. Hi, I’ve just nominated you in my latest post about blogger awards. I love your recipes and I look forward to learning more about you 🙂 Thank you again for your support on my blogging journey x

  3. Amazing! It is so neat that first, you leave in Germany, second, you want to be a pastry chef and third, you are from England! How cool?! I am really excited to read more about your journey!

  4. Hi, I was recently been nominated for a pass-it-forward style Blogging Recognition Award, and I have nominated your blog in response. There is no pressure to follow up on it – I just thought I’d share my enjoyment of your blog with others. You can find the link to my nominations here: https://writingworryingwondering.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/blogging-recognition-awards/ or the original award here: http://eveofnight.blogspot.com.au/2014/10/lets-celebrate-whos-up-for-award.html.

  5. Looks like we are going through a lit of similar experiences! I love the recipe swap you are doing with Greta, maybe I should start looking for a Danish swapping partner too 😉

    Greetings from a German in Denmark 🙂

    1. I have just had a look at your blog, I am so jealous that you live in Copenhagen! It has been at the top of my to visit list for a while! Where are you from in Germany? I look forward to reading more of your blog!

      1. Oh yeah, apart from the price level it is absolutely perfect to live here! You should definitely make that trip happen!
        I am from southern Germany, close to Mannheim. Where do you live now? Have you adapted to the local cuisine yet?

      2. I will do! I just need to save a bit first 😉 Not too far from me at all then! I was in Mannheim last week! We live close to Landau! I am getting there with the German food. I have developed a slight obsession with Käse Spätzle! However I am not a huge meat eater so I am struggling with that a little! How are you finding the food in Denmark?

      3. Nooo, what a coincidence! My grandma lives close to Landau too! And yes, I love Käsespätzle as well ❤ but have you tried Dampfnudeln yet? I think they are even better 😉
        Yep, I have the same meat problem here in Denmark, but the pastry here is soooo good, that you basically could live only eating pastry 😉

      4. How strange! It is a really nice area to live in, although it is snowing at the moment! I have tried Dampfnudeln, I really liked it especially with vanilla sauce!
        I have heard the pastries in Denmark are really good! I would love to get some experience in a Danish kitchen after I have finished my training.
        Is there quite a lot of fish in the diet there?

  6. Hello!!! I’m glad I found your blog. I’m an Italian girl who in 2014 moved to Sweden and I share your passion for baking. I’ll be following you 😉

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